Advocacy to Protect Access to Gender Affirming Care

May 30, 2024

Political challenges to gender-affirming care are increasing in the United States and around the worldThe Endocrine Society advocates to expand, improve, and protect access to care for transgender and gender diverse individuals. We do this by providing information to policy makers, courts, and the public about gender dysphoria/gender incongruence and evidence-based medical treatment options. 

  • Friend of the Court: The Endocrine Society has submitted “friend of the court” briefs (also known as amici briefs) in court challenges to state laws that ban gender-affirming care or criminalize the physicians who provide it. We work with respected medical, mental health, and health care organizations to submit an amicus brief to the Court with medical evidence supporting the standard of care for treating transgender and gender diverse individuals. Our “friend of the court” briefs have been influential in informing courts about gender-affirming care and influencing their decisions. All of our amici briefs can be found here.
  • Strengthening AMA Policy: The Endocrine Society led a historic effort to protect access to gender-affirming care at the annual meeting of the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates in June 2023. Represented by Drs. Mandy Bell and Dan Spratt, the Endocrine Society introduced a resolution that would call on the AMA to oppose any criminal and legal penalties against patients seeking gender-affirming care, family members who support them in seeking medical care, and health care facilities and clinicians who provide gender-affirming care. As attacks on gender-affirming care escalate, it is the responsibility of the medical community to speak out in support of medically needed care. More information about the Endocrine Society’s advocacy to protect gender affirming care can be found here
  • Voice of Science in Public Discourse: The Endocrine Society represents the voice of science in discussions about transgender health and treatment for gender dysphoria/gender incongruence. The Endocrine Society was featured on an episode of “The Problem with Jon Stewart” that focused on access to gender affirming care. Stewart interviewed Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline author Josh Safer, MD to discuss the medical evidence supporting gender-affirming care for minors. This episode was widely praised for combatting the misinformation about gender-affirming care.

More information about the Endocrine Society's advocacy to protect gender-affirming care can be found here


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