Society Letters Society Letters

Recommendations for NIH Funding for FY2024

March 15, 2023

"The 373 undersigned members of the Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research, which includes organizations representing patients, scientists, health professionals, research and academic institutions, educators, and industry, are grateful to Congress for making meaningful annual funding growth for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) a key, bipartisan national priority. NIH funded biomedical, behavioral, social, and population based research improves our understanding of fundamental life and health sciences, equips the nation to combat both known and unprecedented health threats, and converts the hope of improved health into a reality for patients and their families. The federal investment in this lifesaving work in labs across the country also has a multiplier effect in local and regional economies, catalyzes new industries, enhances the U.S.’s global competitiveness, establishes viable career paths, and generates additional high quality jobs in communities nationwide."

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