Society Letters Society Letters

Endocrine Society Urges Congress to Avert Upcoming Medicare Cuts

December 04, 2023

Dear Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McConnell, Speaker Johnson, and Minority Leader Jeffries:

"On behalf of the Endocrine Society, the world’s largest professional organization of endocrinologists, I urge Congress to pass legislation to avert the 3.37% cut to Medicare payments which is scheduled to occur on January 1, 2024. Founded in 1916, the Endocrine Society represents approximately 18,000 physicians and scientists engaged in the treatment and research of endocrine disorders, such as diabetes, hypertension, infertility, obesity, osteoporosis, endocrine tumors cancers (i.e., thyroid, adrenal, ovarian, pituitary) and thyroid disease. Our membership includes over 11,000 clinicians who are on the front lines in treating diabetes and obesity, which are two of the most common chronic illnesses in the United States. Many of our members treat Medicare beneficiaries with these costly, chronic conditions, and averting these cuts will help ensure those beneficiaries continue to have access to high-quality care."

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