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January 31, 2023

Don’t miss this opportunity for postdoctoral fellows, clinical fellows, medical students, and graduate students to interact with their peers and renowned in the endocrine community. 

Preliminary Program

Chicago, IL, June 14, 2023 | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Visit registration and join us for breakfast before sessions begin!

Speaker: Ursula Kaiser, MD, Professor of Medicine; Chief, Division of Endocrinology Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Join us for a brief introduction and orientation to ECF programming.

Speaker: Gary Hammer, MD, PhD, Schembechler Prof of Adrenal Cancer, University of Michigan 

This session will include clinicians, clinical scientists, and basic scientists.

This session highlights the aspects of ENDO 2023 that trainees can take advantage of during the meeting. After this session, attendees should be able to:

  • Identify elements of ENDO 2023 specific to trainees
  • Navigate the ENDO 2023 meeting with ease
  • Understand the organization breakdown of the meeting into basic science, clinical, and translational talks
  • Understand the value of late breaking research (oral sessions and poster sessions) 
  • Use recommended resources to find topics of interest (i.e. ENDO website and phone apps)
  • Understand the goals and format of the and Meetthe-Professor sessions with an emphasis on networking opportunities.
  • Navigate the Poster Sessions with ease and use recommendations to get the most from speaking with presenters for research collaborations and networking opportunities.
  • Point out the Professional Development Workshops which go in depth on a few topics touched upon during trainee day.

Secrets to Success: Stories of a Personal Career Journey These breakout sessions present an inspiring description of the speaker’s journey to their career success. The speakers will provide interesting and motivational experiences encountered during the progression of their careers, along with helpful advice in balancing one’s career and personal life.

(Choose One)

How Did I Get Here? A Clinical Journey

Speaker: David Lieb, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School

This session presents an inspiring description of the speaker’s journey to his/her current success in clinical field. The speaker will provide interesting and motivational experiences encountered during the progression of his/her clinical or research career, along with helpful advice in balancing one’s career and personal life.

After this session, attendees should be able to:

  • Describe various possible career pathways in clinical endocrinology
  • Recognize opportunities for career advancement and career shifts
  • Apply resources provided by the speaker to advance their careers

How Did I Get Here? A Research Journey

Speaker: Carol Lange, PhD, Professor, University of Minnesota

This introductory presents an inspiring description of the speaker’s journey to his/her current research success. The speaker will provide interesting and motivational experiences encountered during the progression of his/her research career, along with helpful advice in balancing one’s career and personal life.

After this session, attendees should be able to:

Describe various possible research career pathways
Recognize opportunities for research career advancement and career shifts
Apply resources provided by the speaker to advance their careers




7:30–8:00 AM       

Registration and breakfast

8:00–8:15 AM

 Welcome and Overview

8:15–8:45 AM

ENDO A to Z: How to Get the Most Learning Possible from Attending the Annual Meeting

This session highlights the aspects of ENDO 2023 that trainees can take advantage of during the meeting.

8:45–9:25 AM

Secrets to Success: Stories of a Personal Career Journey

These breakout sessions present an inspiring description of the speaker’s journey to their career success. The speakers will provide interesting and motivational experiences encountered during the progression of their careers, along with helpful advice in balancing one’s career and personal life.
(Choose One)

  • How Did I Get Here? A Clinical Journey
  • How Did I Get Here? A Research Journey

Master the Art of the Search: Practical Tips and Tools for Job Searching
This session will provide an overview of the key components to successfully secure your first position with emphasis on a structured job search, creating a competitive CV and obtaining necessary interviewing skills.
(Choose One)

  • CV and Job Search for Clinical Practice Jobs
  • Job Application Package for Research Jobs
10:20–10:55 AM                             

Interviewing Skills
(Choose One)

  • Interviewing Skills for Clinical Practice Jobs
  • Interview Skills and Chalk Talk Tips for Basic/Clinical/Translational Research Jobs
11:10 AM–12:00 PM 

Know Your Options: Career Paths Within Clinical Endocrinology and Research
(Choose One)

These breakout sessions will feature speaker panels to discuss various career pathways for clinical endocrinologists and researchers.

  • Clinical Career Options
  • Research Career Options
 12:00–12:55 PM


1:00–1:45 PM

Breakouts (Choose One)

  • Practical Advice for Foreign Medical Graduates and Scientists Coming or Staying in the U.S.: Navigating the U.S. Visa System
  • Scientific Careers with the U.S. Government
1:50–4:00 PM

Communications and Creating Your Personal Brand

This session will provide guidance on communication skills relevant to setting up a personal brand. 

4:10–5:00 PM 

Get Your Groove Back! Resiliency and Wellness - Tips to Achieving Life Balance and Personal Resilience

This session will include a panel of speakers who will focus on resilience building with a goal to enhance the ability to bounce back from adversity and achieve life balance.


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For 100 years, the Endocrine Society has been at the forefront of hormone science and public health. Read about our history and how we continue to serve the endocrine community.