Member Spotlight

Heather Beasley, PhD

January 21, 2021
Heather Beasley is a PhD candidate in the Department of Biochemistry and Cancer Biology at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, TN. Her doctoral research investigates calcium signaling in breast cancer and the dysregulation of bone metabolism due to comorbidities such as hypercalcemia. Heather’s diverse and multidisciplinary approach to her research includes the incorporation of her strong animal sciences and evolutionary medicine background into her dissertation research, under the mentorship of Dr. Amos Sakwe. Heather obtained a bachelor of science, in Animal Sciences, from Auburn University and a Master of Science, in Physiology, from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, after which she obtained a brief fellowship in Evolutionary Medicine at UCLA before starting her Ph.D. Thus far, she has co-authored four peer-reviewed publications and four published abstracts. Additionally, she has presented several posters and oral presentations at both local and national meetings that have earned her high accolades and many travel awards. Heather is currently completing her dissertation project and is on track to complete her Ph.D. next Spring. 

Q&A with Heather Beasley:

Q: What is your favorite Endocrine Society memory?
A: As a new member of the Endocrine Society, my favorite memory was my initial introduction to the Endocrine Society. Several members of the Endocrine Society visited Meharry Medical College at the beginning of the year and made a memorable and noteworthy impression. Everyone that was in attendance in the "meet and greet" was so warm and knowledgeable and gave information on so many programs, like FLARE, that are catered to underserved STEM students. We even had the pleasure of meeting the newest director of membership, Dr. Scott. This too was exciting because not only is she incredibly passionate about the Endocrine Society, making her a true asset, but she too identifies as a minority which instantly aligned with most every student and staff in attendance. Additionally, before the recent pandemic, I was registered to attend my first ENDO conference, ENDO 2020. Because I mentioned how excited I was about the meeting she told me to come and see her during the conference at the membership booth. Overall, I've had the best introduction to the Endocrine Society and I look forward to many more memories!  

Q: What advice would you give for someone looking to become more involved in the Endocrine Society?
A: Take full advantage of EVERY opportunity presented by the Endocrine Society. Of course, the Endocrine Society has world-renowned leaders and physicians in the field that are active members, but they also foster opportunities for junior faculty and students. More specifically, the programs, workshops, and specialty conferences for underrepresented students very much distinguish the Endocrine Society from other professional networks; making them both diverse and inclusive! 

Q: How has the Endocrine Society supported your professional development/career journey? 
A: I was selected for an oral presentation for a conference that was a mini-symposium of the annual Endocrine Society conference. As a result of that selection, I was able to receive a travel award. As a graduate student, conferences pose a financial burden, when funding is sparse. Having received the travel award provided me with the opportunity to network with people in my field; therefore, providing connections that I will and can use after matriculation. 

Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?
A: I am a wife, mom, and a full-time doctoral student. Spare time does not exactly exist. However, I am lucky to have the opportunity to make time for a few things that I love which include playing the piano. I am a classically trained pianist and organist and it is exciting to expose my daughter to music! 

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