To:The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, The Honorable Mitch McConnell, The Honorable Kevin McCarthy, The Honorable Chuck Schumer
"Since September 2019, these programs have endured four short-term extensions lasting only several weeks to several months. Most recently, these programs were reauthorized under the CARES Act through November 30, 2020. While we appreciate your commitment to making sure these programs do not expire, it is essential that Congress pass a long-term, 5-year reauthorization that guarantees the continued success and viability of these essential programs and services. As a result of short-term extensions and the undue strains they place on long-term budgeting and planning, these programs and the communities they serve have experienced cuts to essential public health services for medically-underserved patients; cuts to type II diabetes prevention, treatment, and management services for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs); delays in research to treat, prevent, and ultimately find cures for type 1 diabetes (T1D); setbacks to provider recruitment and retention in high need areas; and even the closing of residency programs training the next generation of healthcare professionals."
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