To: Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and Related Agencies
"Title X’s key role in the public health safety net has been threatened by the Trump administration’s 2019 program rule. Following rule implementation in July 2019, 18 grantees, along with many subrecipients, left the program rather than comply with the onerous, medically unnecessary requirements. In 2018, the approximately 1,000 sites run by those entities served more than 1.5 million patients, including the many patients served by Planned Parenthood. Health centers that remained in the program face the challenge of implementing a misguided rule while attempting to keep their doors open and services available to, and affordable for, patients. To rectify this situation, we urge Congress to include language in the FY21 Labor-HHS bill that blocks implementation of the rule and allows entities that left the program to rejoin it. It is crucial that remaining and previous grantees be able to rebuild their networks and trusted services once the rule is no longer in place. These steps are critical to ensure that people across the country regain access to affordable services at their preferred family planning provider."
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