Friends of the Court

Hecox v. Little

January 04, 2021

"Many transgender individuals, like Plaintiff-Appellee Lindsay Hecox, experience a condition called gender dysphoria, which is characterized by clinically significant distress resulting from the incongruence between one’s gender identity and the sex assigned to the individual at birth. The international consensus among health care professionals regarding treatment for gender dysphoria is to assist the patient to live in accordance with the patient’s gender identity, thus alleviating the distress or impairment. Treatment may include any or all of the following: counseling, social transition (through, e.g., use of a new name and pronouns, new clothes and grooming in order to allow the person to conform to social expectations and norms associated with his or her identity), hormone therapy and/or gender-confirming surgeries. The treatment for gender dysphoria is highly effective in reducing or eliminating the incongruence and associated distress between a person’s gender identity and assigned sex at birth. It is also widely available."

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