Friends of the Court

Joel Doe v Boyertown Area School District and Pennsylvania Youth Congress Foundation

January 23, 2018

Brief Of Amici Curiae American Academy Of Pediatrics, American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, And 10 Other Medical, Nursing, Mental Health, And Other Health Care Organizations In Support Of Defendants-Appellees

"Transgender individuals have a “gender identity”—a “deeply felt, inherent sense” of their gender—that is not aligned with the sex assigned to them at birth.Transgender people differ from cisgender (i.e., non-transgender) individuals, whose gender identity aligns with the sex assigned at birth. Recent estimates suggest that approximately 1.4 million transgender adults live in the United States, or 0.6 percent of the adult population. That said, “population estimates likely underreport the true number of [transgender] people.” People of all different races and ethnicities identify as transgender. They live in every state, serve in our military, and raise children. Gender identity is distinct from and does not predict sexual orientation; transgender people, like cisgender people, may identify as heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, or asexual."

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