'SIGs Wrap-Up!', our new SIG e-newsletter, will give you the full scoop on what's happening in your SIG.
By Ben Wokas, Senior Manager of Member Engagement & Experience
As the lazy days of summer turn into a busy fall (in the northern hemisphere), classrooms once again bustle with students returning to class, professors delivering lessons, and most everyone feeling the need to get back to business.
The same is true for your Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
The Society’s member-led communities are busy preparing a wide range of online and in-person activities for the remainder of 2024 and into 2025. These events give you the chance to engage and exchange knowledge with fellow members who share your endocrine interests.
Here’s just a peek at what’s ahead this fall:
Bone & Mineral SIG:
Early Career SIG:
Endocrine-Disrupting Chemical (EDC) SIG:
Oncoendocrinology SIG:
Transgender Research and Medicine SIG
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Many more events, programs and initiatives are in the early stages of development and will be coming online in the weeks and months ahead.
To keep you informed, we’ve launched a new SIG Newsletter, called SIGs Wrap-Up! This monthly email newsletter will give you the full scoop on what's happening in your SIG, including upcoming events, new research in your SIG topic area, interesting discussions in your SIG's community on EndoForum, and announcements from your SIG's leaders.
You also can stay in the loop by checking out our Society Calendar for upcoming SIG events.
But events are not all you can get out of the SIGs this fall. Members are encouraged to engage daily with fellow SIG participants in your SIG community on EndoForum. Here you can share clinical and scientific cases and research, as well as organize informal meetups, coordinate discussion or study groups, and connect with peers and experts who share your interests.
Why SIGs? The Society is a large and diverse community of professionals. We try our best to meet the needs of all members, providing unique programs and opportunities that address particular interests.
Roughly one in 10 Society members today have joined at least one SIG. But that number is growing as more members discover what these communities offer.
Our current slate of eight SIGs covers a wide range of clinical and research interests:
If you don’t find an exact match, fear not. We already are looking to launch SIGs in new topic areas by the end of 2024, with more to follow.
We encourage you to get involved and participate in the coming activities for your SIGs. If you would like to update your SIG memberships or join a new SIG, please log in to your Endocrine Society account to update your preferences. If you’re new to the SIGs, we encourage to join one or more by following the prompts at the top of the SIG page.